Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Struggle to Overcome

I just finished reading the last Harry Potter book.  In the book, Harry went on a long journey to find Voldemort's horcruxes.  Horcruxes are pieces of the soul that make people immortal.  Harry must find them all and destroy thm in order to kill Voldemort.  Harry had a very difficult task in front of him, and many times he felt like giving up.  He worked hard and believed in himself, and he ended up succeeding with the help of his friends.  Even though some times were tough Harry had his friends to help him.
I thought the story had a very good mesage.  It reminded me of the time when my dogs escaped and I couldn't find them.  I searched around the neighborhood, but I couldn't find them.  Later my friend came over and we both searched for my dogs.  We searched for over an hour and finally we found them on the other side of the creek that is near my house.  It reminds me of the Harry Potter story because we both had a hard task to overcome and we did it with the help of our friends.  It also reminds me of Animal Dreams.  Just like Harry Potter, Codi has the task of finding herself.  She finally found herself after a long struggle with the help of a friend, Loyd.  I like both the books Harry Potter and Animal Dreams and how I can compare them to my own life.

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