Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I read an article from New York Times about the actresses gowns at the Oscars.  It talked about all the different dresses and what the red carpet fashion experts thought about each one.  They talked about how much free advertisement clothing and jewelry companies got from the women wearing dresses and accessories that they don't even own.  The article also said how people made conservative fashion choices but branding and logos decreased.  Ryan Seacrest was even criticized for not asking the actresses where their gowns were from.  
I thought the article was fun  to read about all the different outfits people wore and what people thought of them.  I also liked to look at the pictures of the dresses since i missed the Oscars on TV.  I think it's funny how the movie awards focus more on the dresses and fashion than the actors and actresses themselves and their talents.  I think it reflects our modern American culture perfectly.  I know in other parts of the world fashion is big too, but here where it's about the expensive dresses and million dollar diamonds, i think it's kind of funny.


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