Saturday, February 14, 2009


I have been doing a project in latin, and when I was researching i came across a reading about religion, and how the Romans conquered Brittan and tried to convert the native people.  This reminded me of Nectar in a Sieve because just like the Britton were conquer, so was India and Ruku's village.  In both cases they were taken over and colonized.  They were also taught new ways of life and new beleifs.  The Britons learned about Roman culture and their polytheistic religion of worshiping the gods.  Ruku was introduced to modern civilization and Christianity from the Europeans.  I think it is interesting how history repeats itself.   I also think it's ironic that at one point the Britons were conquered by the Romans and then the Britons conquered the Indians.  I think its all very interesting.^oa_book3^stage21

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