Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What do teens care about?

I read and article in this weeks Zephyrus paper about what issues students feel are most important.  A survey was taken, asking students what issues they felt needed to be addressed, and the oil crisis was ranked as the number one concern at 36%.  I agree it is very important.  The rising costs and use of oil are effecting our economy and the environment in a negative way.  The Iran/Iraq war was the next biggest concern at 33%.  One student was worried because it was draining our economy and she thought our focus should be to improve our country, not another one.  I agree with her.  Another student expressed her ideas for wanting better education to improve our society.  I think all these issues are important.  I'm glad people are aware of what is going on in the electing and that people are involved in politics.  Although during this election only 6% of our students are able to vote, but the elected president will most likely be running again in four years, and by then almost every one in our school now will be able to vote.  I think it is important people start paying attention now, because they are able or will be able to have a say in the outcome, but most importantly it will effect their lives in the near future.

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