Sunday, October 19, 2008

For many dudes, Palin is The One

I just read an article in the Star Tibune called, For many dudes, Palin is The One.  It was about the different kinds of people who were supporting Sarah Palin.  This paper showed that Sarah Paling supporters were mainly men, outnumbering women 2 to 1.  The article talked about many men who supported her because she was good looking.  Someone people said, "Proud to be voting for a hot chick."  And another man said "She's beautiful...
i came here to look at her."  Others voted for her because she was like them, one man said he liked her because she was part of the NRA, just like him.  One man said, "Who can't trust a mother?"  Other people, women and men both, said they like the idea of a regular woman in the White House.  One man said, "Men have done plenty to mess up this country.  The sexual drives and big egos of male leaders have gotten in the way of politics in this country.  It is time for a woman."  This man also said his trucker friends agreed.  
I know there are people who support Sarah Palin for her political beleifs, but there are others who are voting for her for reasons that should not be part of an election.  I think it is important to "like" the person you are voting for for the next leader of our country, but you shouldn't only base your vote on that.  I feel that some of people in this article are narrow minded and are voting based on appearance and judgements.  For example voters may agree with Palin on hunting, but that is not going to affect our country and they should look at the bigger picture.  Will Sarah Palin be a good vice president?  

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