Sunday, October 26, 2008


My brother has been reading the Eragon series and now they are his favorite books.  I wanted to see what they were like, so i started reading the first book.  When I began reading the introduction, it seemed to me that the author just replaced the names of the Lord of the Rings creatures, because thats how similar it was.  As I began to read more, other characters developed and I could tell it would emerge into a story line unlike Lord of the Rings.  So far a boy named Eragon lives in a town with his uncle.  They are not doing so well, and they can barely even afford dinner.  Eragon went hunting and found a stone in the middle of a burt forrest.  There are also magical creatures, that are much like the elves and orcs in Lord of the Rings.  The book was written by a 15-year-old boy, and it's pretty obvious.  The book is at a low reading level, and it seems like a kid my age wrote it.  I think it will be a good book, and if your into magic like in Lord of the Rings or Ella Enchanted, and want an easy read, Eragon would be a perfect book. 
Check out the books website at:

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