Sunday, March 15, 2009

Aztec Research #1

article link is this

-the Aztecs lived 500 years ago in the central highlands of modern mexico from about 1428-1521 on lake Tetzcoco
-in February 1519, Hernan Cortez arived on the cost of the Yucatan Peninsula  with 11 ships.  the conquered the aztecs land by august 1521
-the aztecs had elaborate calendars, poetry, music, danc, sculptures, jewelry, gardens
-slavery was temporary and voluntary
-divorse was legal: much of the times from abuse: mothers could get custody of thier kids
-women who gave birth were well respected: the ones that died were given honors
-they practiced human sacrifice
-cortez came when Motecuhzoma II was ruling (aka Montezuma)
-the aztecs lived on a grid system and islands and had aquaducts
"With the European discovery of the New World, two highly developed civilizations that knew nothing of each other collided, and the consequences, for the Aztecs, were catastrophic. It is estimated that when Cortes first set foot on Mexican soil, about 25 million people lived there. By 1600, the population had shrunk to around one million, due to massacres by Cortes and his Indian allies, the brutality of Spanish colonial rule and low native resistance to diseases such as smallpox and measles transmitted by the Spanish conquerors."

- the aztecs had books, pictographs, to document history and religion and alot of it was destroyed by cortez
-the aztecs were ruled by a semidevine ruler through hereditary things, there was a council
-there were warriors, the aristocracy, merchants, artisans, farmers, and slaves

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