Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Favorite Book

My favorite book is The Host by Stephanie Meyer.  In The Host, the earth is taken over by aliens, called the souls.  They plant themselves in the neck of humans.  The souls can control the human body with no resistance from the human, except they remember the human's memories.  They do this to feel like a human and live like one for the experience.  One soul, called Wonderer was placed into a human who was still "present".  Her name was Melony, and she was one of the only humans left on earth at the time she was alive.  Melony was able to control Wanderer and the other way around.  They lead each other to Melony's uncle's secret hideout, which housed many surviving humans.  Wanderer then fell in love with Melony's boyfriend and brother, while Melony loved them too.  Wanderer then had to deal with the untrusting humans, Melony in her head, and she had to try to figure out the thoughts in her head, while trying to save the ones she loved even if it meant killing herself.
I like The Host because it is a unique, exciting, suspenseful story, and it has many likable characters who have different relationships with each other.  (Picture From: www.dangerousdebris.wordpress.com)


Taylor D. said...

I love Stephenie Meyer and I've been meaning to buy The Host. It looks very interesting, and different from other books. There was a movie like The Host I saw, it was with Johnny Depp, The Astronaut's Wife. But they are different, same idea, different story line. I think next time I go to Barnes & Noble I'll buy it.

Mallory O. said...

i love stephenie meyer too! her books are fantastic! im excited to read this one

J Connor R said...

i may never read her books but i hear she is good

Cam S. said...

This sounds like a good book

Carla said...

it sounds really interesting! i think i will read it! and yeahh i love stephanie meyer, she is a great writer!

Sarah said...

I heard this was a really good book. I'll have to put it on my "to read" list.

Emily B said...

I read The Host! It was a great book. Have you read any other books by Stephanie Meyer?

Nicole said...

I've read all of the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer but haven't read the host. I'll have to check it out.

Hannah J said...

This book was okay I thought.
I didnt think it was one
of Stephenie Meyer's books.